Safety Housekeeping And Accident Prevention In Healthcare Environments For Office And Facilities Personnel


This essential course equips office and facilities personnel with the knowledge and skills to proactively maintain a safe and healthy work environment in healthcare. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare support occupations experienced 217,100 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in 2021. Furthermore, slips, trips, and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries, contributing significantly to lost workdays in various sectors, including healthcare (National Safety Council). Covering vital topics such as developing a strong safety attitude, proper tool and equipment use, hazardous material handling (including storage, spill cleanup, and disposal), and the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE), this training empowers staff to prevent accidents before they happen. Learn to identify potential hazards, implement effective safety protocols, and contribute to a culture of safety within your healthcare facility.


This course is designed for office and facilities personnel working in healthcare settings. This includes administrative staff, maintenance workers, custodial staff, and other support personnel who may encounter workplace hazards.

Healthcare Facilities

Introduction|Developing A Good “Safety Attitude”|Maintaining A Safe Work Environment|Using Tools And Equipment|Hazardous Materials: Recognition And Storage|Hazardous Materials: Spill Cleanup And Disposal|Personal Protective Equipment|Conclusion


Video Format:

Quiz Questions:

Number of Lessons:

Training Time:
17-27 minutes

Closed Captioning:

Devices Supported:
Windows, Apple, Android, Chrome

Required Plugins:

Interactive Producer:
Mastery Training Content Network

Original Content Producer:
Marcom, Ltd