Sexual Harassment Prevention In New York For Managers


Sexual Harassment is illegal in New York workplaces. This means all New York state employees are protected at both the state and federal levels. This course shows managers and supervisors how to be compliant and why compliance with these laws is necessary. Beginning with a brief history of New York’s dedication to protecting every employee’s rights, this course details New York’s sexual harassment zero tolerance policy. By clearly explaining the two types of sexual harassment, Quid pro Quo and Hostile Environment, this course provides managers with a sound foundation for grasping all aspects of sexual harassment while learning the higher standard they are held to and the appropriate behavior they should model. Managers learn about preventing, reporting, and retaliation, as well as bystander intervention. Present this course, with updated content on 2023 regulations, so managers and supervisors know why and how to create and sustain a compliant, respectful workplace free of sexual harassment and fear.


State of New York managers and supervisors in organizations with 15 or more employees

Construction Project|Healthcare Facilities|Manufacturing Plant|Offices|Restaurants and Food Services|Warehouse

Overview|Quid Pro Quo Harassment|Hostile Environment|Potentially Illegal Acts|Preventing Harassment|Reporting Harassment|Remedies|Bystander Intervention|Retaliation|Other Protected Groups|Consequences


Video Format:

Quiz Questions:

Number of Lessons:

Training Time:
28-43 minutes

Closed Captioning:

Devices Supported:
Windows, Apple, Android, Chrome

Required Plugins:

Interactive Producer:
Mastery Training Content Network

Original Content Producer:
TrainingABC, LLC