Machine Guarding and Safety Devices: To The Point
When it comes to working with machinery, there are certain hazards you should be aware of; including pinch points, nip points, moving parts, and the points of operation of equipment. To protect workers from these hazards, a machine guarding program should be implemented, which includes a combination of fixed guarding, light curtains, interlock switches, and other safety devices designed to prevent inadvertent contact with a potentially dangerous machine. This course explores these types of safety devices, as well as the various kinds of guards and safe work practices necessary to avoid accidents and injuries. This training lesson gives you guidance as to safe operating procedures and good housekeeping for using these kinds of machines. Your safety also depends on the proper use of personal protective equipment, or PPE, which you will be taught about here. Utilize the information presented here and learn how to safely work with and around these potentially hazardous machines.
Anyone who operates equipment or machinery
Manufacturing Plant
Introduction|Machine Operator Requirements|The Point of Operation and Other Hazards|Safe Operating Procedures and PPE|Good Housekeeping|Machine Guards|Electrical Interlocks|Presence-Sensing Devices|Two-Hand Control Systems|Conclusion
Video Format:
Quiz Questions:
Number of Lessons:
Training Time:
13-22 minutes
Closed Captioning:
Devices Supported:
Windows, Apple, Android, Chrome
Required Plugins:
Interactive Producer:
Mastery Training Content Network
Original Content Producer:
To The Point Communications, Inc.