Employee Engagement Essentials
Despite the wealth of information, books, seminars, and articles on how to engage employees, two-thirds of workers feel disengaged from their workplace. Using a comprehensive study on employee engagement as its basis, this entertaining training course teaches leaders the top six motivators of engaged employees. These motivators include the following: the job itself; relationships with co-workers; opportunities to use skills and abilities; relationships with immediate superior; contribution of their work to the organization’s overall goal; and autonomy and independence. The hosts of this course show ways to provide employees with elements of each motivator and explain how each motivator requires effective leadership. Viewers learn effective leadership has both a human aspect as well as a vision or mission aspect. Watch this training course to learn how to effectively engage employees in the workplace.
Managers and anyone who is a leader
The Top Six Motivators Of Engaged Employees|Improving Employee Attitudes About The Work They Do|Building Strong Relationships With Colleagues|Allowing People To Use Their Skills|Creating Strong Manager-Employee Relationships|Showing Your People How They Matter|Learning How To Get Out Of Your Employee’s Way|The Twin Pillars Of Effective Leadership|The Three Sentences That Will Lead To Higher Employee Engagement
Video Format:
Quiz Questions:
Number of Lessons:
Training Time:
26-34 minutes
Closed Captioning:
Devices Supported:
Windows, Apple, Android, Chrome
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Interactive Producer:
Mastery Training Content Network
Original Content Producer:
Big Pow! Enterprises, LLC dba The Jeff Havens Comp