Come Back to Work Safely: Sales Teams
After having been shut down because of COVID-19, businesses are starting to reopen. This safety training course shows returning sales teams what they can do to protect the health and safety of themselves and others, both in the office an out in the field.
This course starts by presenting the basic facts on COVID-19, including the symptoms, modes of transmission, and basics to protect yourself. The course continues to explain new safety procedures and best practices for staying safe in an office setting. For example, if the office has an open work environment, instead of cubicles, consider creating informal barriers around each workspace. Items such as white boards and bookshelves can help to keep a distance between workers. Another way to help create distance is by using tape on the floor to mark 6 feet around each workspace.
Viewers who are used to making sales visits learn alternate ways of connecting with customers to keep everyone safe. The course provides salespeople with tips for virtual meetings and in-person meetings. For example, the course suggests becoming familiar with your customer’s COVID-19 policies, such as their building’s capacity, and be sure to comply with them.
This course emphasizes the importance of using face masks and hand sanitizer. Viewers are encouraged to take care of their health, and learn how to clearly communicate potential exposure, any symptoms, and infection. Complete this course to learn practical ways to make the return to work safer for everyone.
This course benefits salespeople who are returning to pre-pandemic work activities
Introduction|Know Your Facts|Protect Yourself|Keep Your Distance|Stay Home|Take Care Of Your Own Health|Communicate Clearly|Manage Your Anxiety|Put Others At Ease|Office Environments|Sales And Visiting Customers|Remote And Hybrid Teams|One More Thing
Video Format:
Quiz Questions:
Number of Lessons:
Training Time:
37-37 minutes
Closed Captioning:
Devices Supported:
Windows, Apple, Android, Chrome
Required Plugins:
Interactive Producer:
Mastery Training Content Network
Original Content Producer:
Torrance Learning, Inc.