To help employers meet basic OSHA standards, is offering courses to help learners master workplace health and safety concepts.
According to OSHA’s web site, the most citations during 2009’s fiscal year involved:
- scaffolding
- fall protection in construction
- hazard communication
- respiratory protection
- control of hazardous energy
- ladders
- powered industrial trucks
- electrical wiring methods
- electrical systems design
- fall protection in training requirements offers free courses for 7 of the 10 most cited standards, and offers premium courses to take care of the rest. TrainingPower wants companies to create safer work environments. Courses from help organizations meet OSHA standards, and more importantly create safer, more efficient workplaces.
Meeting OSHA Standards
OSHA offers the information necessary to help meet their requirements, but does not always provide materials packaged as usable training courses. OSHA inspectors need to see evidence of training within a workplace. Our online training courses help learners achieve the level of skill and knowledge necessary to work safely.
Interactive Learning Makes a Difference
TrainingPower courses enhance OSHA presentations to create free interactive training solutions usable in any organization. TrainingPower enhances materials to ensure learning goes beyond awareness to a higher level of understanding, producing observable behaviors. The interactive courses are designed to engage learners and stimulate interest. Well-trained employees exhibit understanding through informed decision-making and safe work practices.
Beyond Meeting Standards
Beyond meeting standards, training leads to fewer accidents/injuries and less product damage, which significantly take away time and money from an organization. Safety training creates greater efficiency within an organization; the more productive an organization is the more profitable it becomes. Employees who have the skills to do their jobs safely add to the security and effectiveness of your organization.
Training has more profitable effects than just helping to meet requirements. By providing training, employers demonstrate their commitment to a safe workplace, showing employees they care. Showing compassion for the well-being of employees boosts morale, leading to a more positive atmosphere in the workplace. Ultimately, the culture of your organization is enhanced by the values a safe workplace promotes.
Integrating Training into your Workplace
TrainingPower courses are easy to use and are available on-demand, so individual employees can train at their own convenience. The courses easily incorporate into classroom training sessions; even OSHA Outreach instructors will find the courses useful for their programs. Best of all, TrainingPower offers OSHA-related courses for free on; start training your employees online now!